Caring For You AFH, LLC is a three-bedroom single-family house, sitting on 1,096 square footage of land. Caring for You AFH has a 224 sq. ft. living room area (used for residents and visitors) to socialize with each other by playing games, listening to music, and/or watching movies, etc., while enjoying one another’s company and presents.
A combination 220 sq. ft. dining and eat-in kitchen area are accessible to each client where they will enjoy a phenomenal, sensational, and healthy nutritionist meal served seven days a week (Sunday to Saturday) by our staff. A washer and dryer are accessible and available in our large basement that is solely used by staff members to utilize and maintain the maintenance of each client’s clothing and lining items.
The restroom is an 84 sq. ft. single bathroom that would be a necessity to utilize for daily hygiene assistance. Each resident will be provided a full-size bed, dresser, cable, TV, and a storage unit to keep their personal items safe and secure.
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